Sniper Patch; One shot,One kill.
미해병대 특수임무부대(Special Operation Group) 저격요원
Travel to Fort Benning, GA, where soldiers, fresh from basic training, are trained
in marksmanship, intelligence gathering, camouflage
and survival in a grueling 5-week program.
These soldiers are the Top Guns from their units.
They've been selected to enter one of the Army's most difficult training schools- Sniper school.
Sniper school is part boot camp, survival school and psychological stress center.
If these soldiers graduate, they will become part of one of the most elite groups of U.S.soldiers.
MACV-SOG, SEALs, LRRP, Green Berets, Rangers and SASR during the Vietnam War (slideshow)
군사유래사전 (3) 저격수의 기원
저격수(sniper)는 군사 애호가들의 가슴을 설레게 하는 단어다. 한 발의 총알로 적을 무력화하고, 적 부대에 공포심을 심어주며, 넓은 적진을..