Vietnam War Video

ROK Marines in Vietnam Tribute

dogmc 2012. 11. 22. 21:19


Dedicated to the (roughly) 300,000 fierce Republic of Korea soldiers who have fought on my homeland for my people's freedom. They did not have to help us but they did anyway and with that I pay this very little homage for their sacrifice.

ROK statistics in Vietnam:
- 4,960 KIA (killed in action)
- 16, 000 WIA (wounded in action)
- 40,000 enemy kills

Killing ratio:
1:15 (ROK:VC)

International comments:

Koreans killing ratio has been 15:1, and they drove out the enemy from the swamp area of Vin Dhing, where both the French and Vietnamese were not successful during the past 20 years. The basic characteristic of Koreans is their unending fighting spirit. It is not at all surprising that the enemy is avoiding contact with the Tiger, White Horse and Blue Dragon Warriors. Captured enemy documents indicate that the VC are instructed not to make contact with Koreans.
- Saigon Post March,20,1968

Captured Viet Cong orders now stipulate that contact with the Koreans is to be avoided at all costs unless a Viet Cong victory is 100% certain.
Never defy Korean soldiers without discrimination, even when are not armed, for they all well trained with Taekwondo.
- An excerpt from an enemy directive seized
- New York Times July 22, 1966

If the Korean forces had taken charge of the whole of South Vietnam or the U.S forces had drawn a lesson from "Go Boi", the Vietnam war would already have been won. When one takes a ride in a car for 96 kilometers in the pitch-black dark, there is not a single sign of rifle shooting or ambush attack.
None but the Korean soldiers could do so anywhere in South Vietnam.
-The London Times.

The Americans in South Vietnam give the Koreans top marks both as fighting men and for their pacification efforts.
Indeed, some Americans who have worked with the ROKs believe that it would not hurt
the U.S to study their methods.
"It's a little bit like being a teacher and having an extraordinary student." mused one   
U.S offical "You come to class one morning and discover he has gone past you."
-News week 10 April 1967

Music: 'Thanks for the memories' - by Fall Out Boy

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