탄우속의 적진을 찾아서
Fighters dashing into the enemy in spite of the bullets fall like a rain.
Fighters dashing into the enemy in spite of the bullets fall like a rain.

샅샅이 뒤져내라
Make a frantic search for hidden enemy arms.

방월한 이병문 해병대사령관(좌로부터 허 홍 여단장. 해병대사령관,한 사람건너 이건영 주월사 부사령관)
Gen. Lee Byung Moon Commandment of the ROK Marine Corps visits the Dragon unit.
(left to right; Brig.Gen.Hur Hong CG.2nd Marine Brigade. Gen Lee.A guide officer and Maj.Gen, Lee Kun
Young,Deputy Commander of the ROKFV)
Make a frantic search for hidden enemy arms.

방월한 이병문 해병대사령관(좌로부터 허 홍 여단장. 해병대사령관,한 사람건너 이건영 주월사 부사령관)
Gen. Lee Byung Moon Commandment of the ROK Marine Corps visits the Dragon unit.
(left to right; Brig.Gen.Hur Hong CG.2nd Marine Brigade. Gen Lee.A guide officer and Maj.Gen, Lee Kun
Young,Deputy Commander of the ROKFV)
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