
What is a Veteran?

dogmc 2012. 11. 14. 18:09

What is a Veteran?

A veteran is defined by federal law, moral code and military service as "Any, Any, Any"... A military veteran is Any person who served for Any length of time in Any military service branch. [See #1 and #2, below]

What is a War Veteran?
A war veteran is any GI (Government Issue) ordered to foreign soil or waters to participate in direct or support activity against an enemy. The operant condition: Any GI sent in harm's way.

What is a Combat Veteran?
A combat veteran is any GI who experiences any level of hostility resulting from offensive, defensive or friendly fire military action involving a real or perceived enemy in any pre- or post-designated theater of combat (war) operations. [See #3, below]

1. Veteran's benefits are based on Congressional regulations determined by Honorable Discharge or Under Honorable Conditions status.

2. Retirees (either 20+ years service or medical discharge status) are also Veterans. Retirees are usually eligible for supplementary federal benefits, privileges and access on military installations, but not necessarily VA services, as regulated by Congress.

3. Wartime medals define various levels of individual combat involvement, sacrifice and/or valor.

Contact Person: Roger Simpson,
Public Information Officer: 13105320634.com
The American War Library: http://www.amervets.com
16907 Brighton Avenue
Gardena CA 90247-5420